Sunday, October 14, 2007

Word for the Day - Firefighter

Yesterday was the Open House at the Ellicott City Fire Station. Andy was taking his kids as part of a Cub Scouts outing so Drew and I met them there. They had lots of activities for the kids, such as trying on fire gear, finding all the fire hazards in a "dangerous" room, and completing an obstacle course where you get to shoot the fire hose at the end.

The kids loved climbing all over the fire trucks and engines (yes, I do know the difference!), and Alex and Drew especially liked getting in the driver's seat. Luckily, the keys weren't in the ignition.

Here's Drew completing the obstacle course. Right after this picture was taken, the fire house got an actual call, and it was quite the sight watching as the firefighters yanked dozens of kids off the trucks, threw on their gear and sped out with sirens blaring all within about 30 seconds. Obviously, it looked like a good time to head home.

After that excitement, we headed to Steven's 2nd birthday party, where we got to see Aunt Sue and Brian. Drew loves going to Steven's house (well, Karl John, Kelly and Karl's house, too), because of the big yard and all the animals (dogs, cats, goats, not to mention horses at the next house). Coincidentally, Karl John is the current head of Baltimore City's Fire Academy. I guess the theme of the day was firefighter!

Steven got lots of great presents, and seemed to enjoy himself. He didn't even seem to get too overwhelmed with all the people at the party. Happy Birthday Steven!

1 comment:

The Plateniks said...

Drew looks great in firefighter gear! We also noticed he's still practicing wearing his Halloween costume! Can't wait to see Trick-or-Treating pictures!